It’s 12:01am and we are live! With Search Ads’ 5 new territories now live, our Blackbox Platform is the first tool on the market that enables you to run your ads in the New Territories on the App Store for the cheapest price!
If you aren’t already, you should be using our Blackbox Platform to run your Search Ads campaigns. Why you may ask? Well the answer is simple:
1. Automated Keyword Translation
Blackbox doesn’t only bid on keywords in English. Once you have entered your list of core keywords the Platform automatically translates them into five different languages: Arabic, Chinese, French, German and Spanish. Additionally, now the new territories are live our platform will now translate your keywords into Italian and Japanese.
2. Budget Optimisation
One of the key features of the Blackbox Platform is that it allows you to easily manage your budget and automatically optimise your spend for maximum impact. It identifies the highest performing campaigns and drip feeds your budget accordingly.
3. Smart Keyword Bidding
Blackbox is always learning, and the longer your campaign is running the better the Platform gets at finding the cheapest bid prices for keywords that are core to your app. Blackbox makes millions of keyword bidding decisions per day and is constantly optimising app campaigns to maximise performance and reduce spend.
If you’re intrigued and want to know more why not read our blog: Search ads are expanding again.
Sign up now while prices are low: Start my campaign