Using Net Promoter Score To Reduce Your App’s Churn And Increase Downloads

Churn rate is the number of customers or subscribers who stop using an app during a given time period, app churn impacts user acquisition and lifetime value.

There are many factors, which make users stick with an app, such as, a bug free experience, a great UI or simply a unique service. Most developers want customers to become loyal users, the challenge is how to know what customers are feeling and how to establish accountability for the customer experience.

NPS or Net Promoter Score is a metric, used widely to measure customer satisfaction, and acts as a leading indicator of growth. If your apps NPS is higher than those of your competitors, you will likely outperform them.

We know that to improve the discoverability of an app, it needs to have a high volume of ratings and reviews. Ratings and reviews not only influence a user in downloading an app, they also serve as metadata for the app store ranking algorithms, meaning that the more ratings and reviews you have the higher you rank in the App Store.

The key is how to get users to give a rating or review.

We constantly drive home to our clients the need for in app prompts. This is a quick and effective way to get users to make that crucial rating or review. Simply ask a user to rate your app; then depending on the score prompt them to write a review or provide them with an outlet to give feedback privately. This way the necessary action can be taken to improve the app whilst helping to lower negatives reviews, as it is not just quantity but also the quality of ratings and reviews that help an app to rank higher. The more positive ratings and reviews that an app receives, leads to increased downloads and therefore improves ROI.

Timing is everything.

Prompts need to be directed at the right customers in the right place at the right time. Researching the best moments to place a prompt, during a users time in the app, is key to getting them to respond. Placing a prompt at the wrong time could potentially lead to a user giving it a lower rank.

Our Do’s and Don’ts for in app prompts:

Don’t ask at the launch Do give users the chance to opt out Don’t interrupt a users workflow Do find the ideal moment, such as after a positive interaction Don’t continually ask for a rating or review

By applying in app prompts developers are able to track promoters and detractors, producing a clear measure of an organisation's performance through its customers' eyes, its ‘Net Promoter Score'.

Measuring your NPS

The Net Promoter Score, itself, is calculated based on responses to a single question: ‘How likely is it that you would recommend our app to a friend or colleague’?

Respondents to an NPS question are grouped into three categories based on their ratings: Promoters (score 9-10): Loyal customers who will keep purchasing and will refer the business to others Passives (score 7-8): Satisfied customers, but may be swayed by competitive offerings Detractors (score 0-6): Unhappy customers who can damage your brand by negative word-of-mouth

NPS gives you the metrics to effectively measure customer satisfaction, so that you can work on ways to increase it. Since you can track customer happiness using NPS from one survey period to the next, you’ll be able to see if the strategies that have been implemented, have improved customer satisfaction or had a negative impact.

Do you want to gain more ratings and reviews and therefore increase downloads?

Activate your Net Promoter Score today

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